14 March 1842
adams-john10 Neal Millikan
78 Washington Monday 14. March 1842

14. VI. Monday.

Bartlett Edwin Hone Philip Granger Francis Johnson William Aspinwall W. H. Newbold Fitch.

Mr Edwin Bartlett came this morning, and mentioned that he had a claim upon the Government for services as acting Chargé d’Affaires in Peru for two years while he was Consult at Lima, and there was no official diplomatic agent there; and he spoke of the important services which he rendered during that period; and solicited my influence to obtain the allowance— Then visits from Mr Granger and Mr Philip Hone; and afterwards three delegates from the Merchants of New-York, Aspinwall, Newbold and Fitch, to represent the disreputable and discredited State of the Government and Country—and to urge the action of Congress to redeem the credit of the Nation— They said that the Notes and engagements of the country have been protested at New-York, and are at a discount of 1 1/2 per cent— At the house, D. D. Barnard, from the Committee on the judiciary reported a Bill to provide for the selection and return of jurors for the courts of the United States where they have not been able to conform the designation and empannelling in substance to the local laws and usage—this bill of deeper import in its bearing upon the laws of the States than the house was aware of; was driven through, with out discussion, by the suspension of the rules, and by three several previous questions— Cave Johnson presented petitions for the repeal of the Bankrupt Law; and moved their reference to the judiciary Committee with instructions to report forthwith a bill to suspend the operation of the act till the 3d. of March next— Chittendan moved to lay the motion on the table—lost 89. to 96—previous question called lost—81 to 87. no second, and the motion lies over for debate— Morgan presented a petition, praying as an alternative the rescinding of the 21st. rule or the dissolution of the Union— Not received— Barnard presented a Petition, for the dissolution of the Union, and moves its reference to a select Committee with instructions to report adversely to its prayer. Question upon reception— Briggs proposes to debate, it lays over. Dinner at Boulanger’s to Charles Dickens; to which I was invited by Aaron Ward. G. M. Keim presided. M. St. C. Clarke Vice-President— I. E. HolmesSutton a Reporter—RooseveltFrenchRobert Tyler— Toasts— Speeches. Songs— It was near Midnight when I came home.